The last week has had two momentous moments for me and they have only come about due to the generosity and thoughtfulness of others. And both have been acknowledging my work which again, has only been successful because of others.
The neon sign over the 1st floor bar in the Southbank Theatre has been turned on. It’s a beautiful turquoise sign and I love it. I’m slightly embarrassed by it but I’m also amazed at the number of people who are jealous and would trade their AOs and AMs for one. So thank you to Derek Young and Brett Sheehy who made it happen.
Another honour came because of Pam Kleemann’s kindness of spirit. Pam’s an art photographer and friend who, amongst other things, has taken MTC rehearsal photos for years. If you want to know more about her work, see:
She nominated me for the Victorian Honour Roll of Women and I was inducted into that list last night (12 March 2013). I had a university lecture to give that night so Pam represented me at Parliament House. I presume that the website will be updated with the 2103 list of inspirational women from all works of live but here’s where to find previous lists:
It’s a great idea and if you have any Victorian women who you think should be nominated, go for it. Whilst there is a great collection of scientists and health workers and people working in the social sciences, there seem to be few if any artists/arts workers.