If you haven’t already joined the Australian Arts Party then you should. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing that instead of having someone from the Motorists Enthusiast Party in the Senate we had an artist…or two or three?
As a founding member of the Arts Party, I’ve just received some good old fashioned car stickers through the mail and I’m going to proudly mount the one that says: “I support Art and Creativity and I vote www.artsparty.org”
Even if you’re a member of the Labor, Liberal or Greens parties, I don’t see why you also couldn’t join the Arts Party and spread your vote around. After all we have a preferential voting system so you get the chance to have and exercise a complex set of views about politics.
The vision of Australia’s newest political party is to help create a more unified, more creative and economically more prosperous Australia, built on vibrant and diverse communities, which will benefit us all. The aim is to get more support for Australia’s artistic and cultural practice and organisations so that all the reasons that we love and work in the arts can be experienced by more artists, arts workers, audiences and Australians.